Theses/Dissertations from 2024
An Archaeological Exploration of Fatty's Place and Its Contribution to Early Tourism in the Garden of the Gods, Aaron Anthony Acosta
Narratological (Re)Visions: Feminist Poetics and Nontraditional Narrative Structure in Contemporary Women’s Writing, Jenny Albright
Radical Hospitality: Height and Excess of the Other and the New Host Self, Diako Alikhani
Opportunities and Challenges Facing Civic Teachers in Public Schools: A Case Study of Elementary Teachers in Saudi Arabia, Sarah Abdullah Almaghshy
Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Brain Following Repetitive Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Lujain Almuhanna
Minimum Wage: Theoretical and Empirical Debates, Ghofran ALRebh
Culturally Responsive Leadership for Newcomer Students: A Case Study of an Elementary Newcomer Program School Leadership Team, Ahmad Fayaz Amiri
Developing a Comprehensive Cognitive Model of Math Achievement, Nina Anderson
Technological Acquisitions: The Impact of Intellectual Capital on Stock and Firm Financial Performance, Cynthia A. Arthur
Cheap Apocalypse, Samuel Rafael Barber
Cross-Institutional Collaboration and Exhibit Making: “On the Gold Mountain: Chinese Mining History and Heritage of Idaho” at the Idaho Museum of Mining and Geology, Jordan Kathleen Bennett
A Force to be Reckoned with: Testimonios from Latina/e Senior Leaders Across Psychology Contexts, Sandra Bertram Grant
The Interplay of Spin, Charge, and Heat: From Metal/Insulator Heterostructures to Perovskite Bilayers, Sam M. Bleser
Honoring Indigenous Worldview: Cultural (Un)Responsiveness in Gifted Education, Vicki Boley
Cascade, Elisabeth L. Booze
Influences on Small Business Leaders’ Decisions About Supportive Policies and Practices for Employees Who Have Experienced Intimate Partner Abuse, Marilyn Lucille Brock
Akt Disruption Leads to Non-Canonical Apical Constriction in Drosophila Embryos, Vincent Brown
The Foundations of Civilian Supremacy: Civil-Military Relations During the American Civil War, Riley Callahan
Baby Dust: A Narrative Analysis of Infertility Journeys on YouTube, Patricia Carrillo
Understanding the Nuances of Transit Accessibility: Temporal and Spatial Resolution, and Neoliberalism, Joe Chestnut
Reproductive Coercion and Intergenerational Trauma: The Role of Reproductive, Sex, and Relationship Education and Family Messaging, Maria-Ernestina Christl
Everyone to the Front, Kristin M. Corso
Evaluating the Effect of Domain-Specific Large Language Models on Question and Response, Phillip D. Crippen
Culturally Responsive Coaching: Supervision with a Cultural Lens, Jouanna Crossland-Wells
Conducting Culturally Responsive, Strengths-Based Assessment in Schools, Eileen Cullen
Patient-Specific Musculoskeletal Modeling of Total Shoulder Arthroplasty, Brendan M. Curran
Resisting the Historical and Geographical “Other”: The Role of Expertise in Video Game Music, Tommy Dainko
Real Time PII Scanning, John David
Ensemble Perception of Emotion: Incidental Effects of Social Identity, Spencer T. Dobbs
Bridging Design and Perception: Novel Tools and Technologies for Creating Effective Human-Robot Interactions, Benjamin Dossett
The Role of Care Practices, Mutual Aid, and Racial Formation in Black Newcomer Practitioners’ Lived Experience Within Organizations: A Critical Qualitative Inquiry, Annie Zean Dunbar
Just Say Gay: An Exploration of Authenticity and Connection; Queer Identified Therapists’ Lived Experiences of Identity-Based Self-Disclosure, Courtney Dunne
The Fold, Cass Eddington
Quantum-Powered Battery Scheduling in Modern Distribution Grids, Diba Ehsani
Population Genetic Diversity in Two Biological Systems, Alyson Emery
Trust, Transparency, and Transport: The Impact of Privacy Protection on the Acceptance of Last-Mile Drone Delivery, Jurgen Heinz Famula
A Study on Multimodal AI for Mild Cognitive Impairment Detection, Farida Far Poor
Exploring the Experiences of HIV Positive Pregnant Women on Prevention of Vertical Transmission of HIV/AIDS in Rural Malawi, Gertrude Finyiza
Latinx Sleep Health Disparities in Primary Care: The Role of Patient-Provider Communication, Amy L. Fraire
Harmonic Data: AI Music, EDM Transcription, & Minimalist Jazz, Trevor Freed
Combinatorial Problems on the Integers: Colorings, Games, and Permutations, Collier Gaiser
Diagrams in Involutive Residuated Lattices, Isis A. Gallardo
Picturesque Portraiture: The Composition of Reality in Hawthorne, Melville, and James, Angela Michael Gattuso Densmore
Impact of Dialogic Reading Intervention on Language and Literacy Development of Young Dual Language Learners, Ekta Ghosh
A Phenomenological Examination of the Perception of Psychopathological Misdiagnosis in Gifted Men, Tina Glass
Phenomenological Inquiry into Middle School Teachers’ Perception of Creativity, Katalin Grajzel
Undergraduate Students’ Experiences and Perceptions of Foreign Language Education, Miho Hamamoto
“We’re Fucking Human Beings Too”: Narratives of Dehumanization and Resistance Among Formerly Incarcerated People, Tyler Miyoshi Han
Spin and Charge Transport in Metallic Ferrimagnets and Disordered Magnetic Oxides, Leopoldo A. Hernandez
A Critical Policy Analysis of Universal Preschool in Colorado: Its Roots, Intentions, and Development, Jamita Horton
Sources of Sexual and Romantic Education: Associations with Sexual Minority Men’s Sexual Experiences and Romantic Relationship Quality, Charlie Huntington
Navigating the Labyrinth: A Narrative Inquiry into the Experiences of Rural Secondary School Women Leaders in Malawi, Rachel Anna Kamnkhwani
A Geospatial and Machine Learning Framework for Forecasting Ground Level Ozone Pollution, William J. Keenan
Social Policy and Compliance: An Experimental Study on Taxpayer Behavior, Kristina L. Kesselring
Statistical Modeling of Knee Morphology and Material Properties Considering Diverse Populations, Gabrielle Jeannine Kindy
Adaptation, Nazli Koca
Genres of Parody: Autofiction, Horror, and the Contemporary Novel, Kevin Kohlhauf
A Time to Create Change: A Case Study of Culturally Relevant Education, Colleen Kopay
Building Blocks for W-Algebras of Classical Types, Vladimir Kovalchuk
Philosophical Sundials: Adorno and the Lyric, George Kovalenko
Characterization of Oxidized Tau Protein Aggregation and Inhibition of Tau Aggregation via MAP2, Brad Krzesinski
Utilizing Machine Learning to Forecast Sector-Level Equity Returns from Sector-Level Financial Ratios, Greg Kuppenheimer
Self-Efficacy and Racial Identity for Undergraduate Music Majors, Rachel E. Lim
Collective Case Study Career Critique of Social Entrepreneurs Who Are Gifted Adults, Joi Lin
The Impact of the First Language Usage for Chinese Undergraduate International Students, Qiunan Liu
Computationally Efficient Machine Learning Techniques for TKR Assessment, Chase Maag
The Naked Truth of My Voice: Surveying the Soul of an Aspiring Educator from Dusk to Dawn: An Arts-Based Auto-Criticism Inquiry, Siddharth Maan
Koopman-Based Modeling for Nonlinear Control of Multirotor UAVs, Simone Martini
The Power Behind Postsecondary Attainment Goals: A Critical Policy Discourse Analysis, Casey McCoy-Simmons
Naturalistic Evaluation of Embedded Social-Emotional Services in Early Childcare and Education Settings: Teacher Outcomes, Andrew B. McGee
On Salvation and Genre: Fast Sermons in Seventeenth-Century New England, Daniel Patrick McGee
Sequence Specificity of Non-Structural Protein 15 from SARS-CoV-2, John Vincent McGuire
Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Person-Following in Constrained Environments, Ori A. Miller
The Effect of Financial Disclosure Medium and CEO Gender on Perceptions of Overconfidence and Credibility, Sheryl Moriarty
Thermal, Electrical, and Spin Transport: Encompassing Low-Damping Ferromagnets and Antiferromagnetic/Ferromagnetic Heterostructures, Matthew Ryan Natale
Changing the Narrative: Student Empowerment in Unequal School Contexts, Stephanie A. Nisle-Mikos
Biophysical Characterization of the ALS-Linked Protein TDP-43; and Genetic and Small Molecule Rescues from Its Cytotoxicity, Emily Grace Oldani
The Lumbee Tribe and MMIWG2S: How a Crisis Hides Behind Unreported Data, Daniel Oxendine
Rural Cervical Cancer Survivors’ Experiences of Gender Roles: An Application of Social Constructionism, Olivia K. Pointer
Cannabis Exposure During Pregnancy and Neural Mechanisms of Parenting: Assessing Neural Responses to Infant Cues and Parenting Outcomes, Shannon Powers
Effect of Oxidation of Graphene on Agglomeration and the Mechanical Properties of Thermosetting Resins, Matthew A. Reil
“No Respecter of Persons”: A Constructive Black Theology of Otherness, Anthony R. Roberts
Navigating University of Denver as a Latinx Male-Identifying Undergraduate Student, Quisi Rodriguez-Oregel
Evidence of Climatic Influence on Subsistence Strategies at Sage Hen Springs, Nevada, Andrew Rogers
Morphological Remodeling of the Endoplasmic Reticulum During Mitosis and Its Influence on the Integrity of the Spindle Apparatus, Katie R. Rollins
Progressive Paradox in Political Rhetoric: The Hart-Celler Immigration Act of 1965, Amanda Rolston Henderson
Examining the Effects of Post-Traumatic Self-Blame and Shame on Response to Laboratory-Induced Pain, Adi Rosenthal
Digital Dialogue: Emancipatory Dialogical Practices in Virtual Collaborative Problem-Based Learning, Chelsie Ruge
Balancing Act: Navigating Employee Autonomy and Neglect, Lekshmy Sankar
Colorado's Multilingual Learners and the READ Act: A Critical Discourse Analysis, Brooke K. Sassi
Outbidding with Ontology: Routine, Rebel Justice, and the Competition for Legitimacy, Patrick A. Schmidt
Investigating Servant Leadership Measurement: A Mixed-Methods Study Integrating Content Analysis and Meta-Analysis, Kai Torsten Schramm
Settler Colonialism and Refusal Through Indigenous Eyes, Charlie Amáyá Scott